Galloways Australia Association Documents

2020 Galloways Australia Rules and Regulation – our overarching document which outlines our registration rules and requirements

Code of Conduct – all members agree on joining to abide by the Galloways Australia Code of Conduct.

Current schedule of fees : Please ensure you are referring to the schedule of fees dated 2022

Hypotrichosis in the Australian Belted Galloway Herd


Our forms can be downloaded filled in and either scanned or sent to our POBox or filled in electronically and sent to If the form you are looking for is not here please contact us to request it.

Please confirm fees prior to payment – 2016 Forms are being replaced with 2022 versions.

Form 1: Membership Application

Form 2: Associate Application

Form 2a: Junior Associate Application

Form 3: Stud name and Tattoo Registration

Form 4: Transfer of Ownership (Registered Animal transfer)

Form 5: Stud Animal Registration Form

Form 5a: Miniature Stud Animal Registration Form

Form 6: Graded or Successor Animal Registration Form

Form 6a: Miniature Graded or Successor Animal Registration Form

Form 7: Galloway Sire Permit

Form 8: Artificial insemination or Embryo Transfer Implantation Certificate

Non Galloway Australia Form

“Tail Hair” DNA Testing form – coming soon


Origin and History of White Galloways in Canada – Hugh R Crawford, 1997

International and Other Associations

Galloways Australia is an active internationally with members regularly interacting and sharing information across the globe.

We participate in the Galloway World Congress by presenting papers and our experiences. These major events are held around the world the next conference in 2023 is in Germany.

Australian Belted Galloway Association – An Association which only registers Belted Galloways

Australian Galloway Association – A second association active in south east Australia

New Zealand Galloway Association

Canadian Galloways



