White Galloway Standard
White Galloways are a distinct breed in the same manner as Belted Galloways. Almost all White Galloway genetics in Australia are descended from cattle registered in Canada.
White Galloways carry the “White Park colour pattern”. A predominantly white body with points coloured black, dun or red. Colour patters invariably denote separate breeds and are much more complex genetically than colour which is usually controlled by a single gene.
The first White Galloway genetics entered Australia in the mid 1990’s. We recognise foundation cattle registered in Section III of the former Galloway Cattle Soceity of Australia Register and the Canadian Galloway Association White Galloways.
The White Park colour pattern” is either genetically dominant or incompletely dominant, this means that is visually presents itself in most generations. If point intensity requires supplementing the use of a solid coloured White Galloway (Black White or Red White) is the preferred method as it does not dilute the White Galloway genetic content.

Registration (Show) Standard
To be registered in the Galloways Australia Stud Register Section 5- White Galloways, and subsequently eligible for showing, an animal must
- Either be the progeny of
- Two registered white Galloways
- a cross of a registered Galloway and a registered White Galloway
- directly descended from foundation White Galloway registered with another recognised Galloway organisation
- Have one of the following colour patterns
- Black, dun, grey or red sides with a white topline and underline (Riggit Pattern)
- leopard or freckled pattern
- white with black, dun, grey or red pigmenet on the nose, ears, hooves and eyes (White Park Pattern)
Animals which are a solid colour are eligible for registration in Section 5 as a non-conforming White Galloway and are ineligible for Registration in Section 1 – Galloway. Non-conforming White Galloways should not be shown

Origin and history of White Galloways in Canada
The linked PDF is a paper written by Hugh R. Crawford in 1997 describing the breeding and history of White Galloways in Canada.
Origin and History of White Galloways in Canada
This information has been provided for general information, members should refer to the latest version of the Galloways Australia Registration Rules and Regulations