Mountain MiniMoos Miniature Galloways is selling a small amount of breeding stock. All are well handled and enjoy touch and brushing. Raised exclusively for the pet and hobby farmer market using low stress handling techniques. All of our stock have been bred in ticky SouthEast Queensland and vaccinated for tick fever.
See below for
- Umber – Heifer for sale
- Shmoo – Heifer for sale
- Quest – proven cow for sale
- Quigley – Sire Services from March 2025.
Please visit for details and to submit an EOI or contact Jeremy on 0456 252 607. We’re happy to send through more photos & videos and video chat organise in-person viewing for serious enquiries.
Mountain MiniMoos Umber
Registration: MMM U1
Halter trained and socialised dun miniature bull, standing at 105cm at 18 months of age
Umber is available commercially or registered to owners of miniature cows or heifers.

Mountain MiniMoos Version1.1 Shmoo

Registration: MMM V3
White and Black Point miniature heifer calf
Ready to go after weaning in January 2026
Halter trained on request
Registered studs only
Parkfield Quest

Black miniature cow standing 114cm
To be sold pregnancy tested in calf (PTIC) to our white and black point stud bull, Parkfield Quigley, post weaning January 2026
Preference to registered studs
Parkfield Quigley – Sire Services
Parkfield Quigley (121cm) is also available for siring services to select properties from March, 2025. Please enquire for more information.